A Photograph

This photo was taken by a friend of my mom in 2017, when she graduated as an Engineer. This photo was taken in the University Diego Portales, Chile.
This is a very special moment for my family because the road was not easy, especially for my mom, because she was the first to graduate in the history of my family! She is so strong mentally, because when she studied also she was working in a full-time job, and for that and many things, my mom is a model of life for me, since when I a child and now.
In the right-hand side are my grandfather, in practical terms he is my father too… He supported my mom in critical moments because he is a great man, actually he his 70 years and has a little more of “guata” jaja. In the center of us is my mom and her mom, they don’t look much alike but in personality they are equals in practical terms. And finally in the left-hand side there’s me with a little bit of “chinese eyes” because of the sun.
I like this photo because it signifies a success for my mom and my family in general, im proud to have a mother like that.
I remember these are happy moments for my family, later that day we went to celebrate and enjoyed as a family.


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