Football in Cartoon

A progamme I watched when I was a child, it is the Supercampeones cartoon, was a programme of football and the animations are really cool, even nowadays I enjoy this cartoon and doesn’t are bored.
I remember when Oliver played whit is friends and maked goals for Japon. That’s moments was interesting because I don’t watched too much a Tv shows or programme, but I enjoyed that’s cartoons.
The Supercampeones is an anime of Japon, was on in the 1981 and nowadays are transmitted on Tv or web plataform.
Oliver Atom and his friends can play for days a football games, they practice a lot in the pitch and nowadays when I watch some episode of the serie I really like it.
I remember when the Supercampeones played the football world cup and Oliver was the star of the cup and his team, I think the most important of Supercampeones was the passion and the attitude to affront a football games. Football is one of my passion and I enjoy it in diferents forms


  1. I remember that in hitting a goal they delayed at least 4 episodes and it was very fun to see the techniques of the players.

  2. I only saw this a few times but I always enjoyed it because I love football too.

  3. Yes, this cartoons are very cool, netflix have it now!


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