A City

A city I'd like to visit is Valdivia in the south of Chile, this city is a great place to be in peace and the company is excelent because I have family and I love stay with my family in this place.
In the present I visited more than four times this city, in this travels I play football in some neighborhood, I navegated the river Calle-Calle, even I participated in the local party "noche valdiviana".

I know some history of this city, when the spanish come to America, they installed a many forts to protect yourself of the indigenous, this forts are ubicated around of the entire city and have many forms you can imaginated.

I really want go with my girlfriend to Valvidia for aplicate my consciousness of Geography and take a time to walk in "la costanera" for listen the sound of the river. Maybe take a ship to navegate again is a good option.


  1. I want to travel to Valdivia in the "noche valdiviana" I have been told it's really beautiful.


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